How First Timers Should Prepare For A Dental Implant Procedure
As is the case with most dental procedures, you'll also need to prepare for dental implant services. So, don't assume you'll just walk into the dentist's office and get everything done. You have to prepare adequately to ensure the procedure is a success. Here is how you can prepare for a dental implant procedure.
Get a Dental Examination
Dental implant surgeries are a bit more complicated than most dental procedures. So, before you decide to have one, you should first get a comprehensive dental examination. During this examination, the dentist will determine whether you are a good fit for dental implants. The dentist will take x-rays, go through your medical records and conduct a visual exam to determine if you are a good fit and what precautions they should take.
Fast for at Least 12 Hours
Fasting is always important if you are to undergo any intrusive dental procedures. That said, you should avoid taking any drinks or foods after midnight. Since you'll have to undergo minor surgery, the dentist must use anesthesia. And as you know, anesthesia temporarily stops your body's reflexes, meaning you might vomit during the procedure. Therefore, you must ensure that your stomach is empty before you undergo the procedure.
Avoid Smoking
Smoking before and after dental implant surgery can be detrimental to your healing. As such, you should stop smoking until the site heals. Smoking can slow down the healing process due to the low oxygen levels in your blood. Besides, cigarette smoke has many chemical toxins that may cause inflammation around the dental implant. You should wait for at least a few days before smoking to avoid complications. Wait until you heal so you can comfortably return to your smoking habits.
Get Some Time Off
You must take some time off from your workplace if you wish to have a dental implant. Inform your boss about the procedure and ask them to give you a few days off. You can then use the small break to rest. In fact, the dentist will ask you to rest and sleep well to hasten the healing process.
Get Painkillers and Antibiotics
You'll definitely need painkillers and antibiotics during the healing process. You'll need powerful painkillers to ease the pain before the tooth heals. Luckily, the pain should subside after the first few days. Antibiotics are also crucial as they will ward off any infections in the dental implant site. You should arm yourself with all these pills in case of any eventualities.
For more information, contact a cosmetic dentist near you.