The Prevention and Treatment Of Gum DiseaseThe Prevention and Treatment Of Gum Disease

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The Prevention and Treatment Of Gum Disease

My name is Hal Martin and at my last dental checkup my dentist told me that I had gum disease. My dentist gave me instructions about what I needed to do so that the gum disease wouldn't get worse and turn into periodontal disease. When I returned home, I immediately began learning everything I could about gum disease by reading dental articles online. I sure didn't want it to get worse so I knew that I needed to take action right away. In this blog, you'll learn all about gum disease including what it is, the causes and how you can help prevent it. I wanted to write this blog to get the word out to as many people about gum disease to hopefully help others have healthy gums.


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3 Dental Methods Used To Reduce Pain And Numbness

One of the worst parts of getting dental work completed is the numbness it leaves you with afterwards. This numbness can be very uncomfortable, and it can make it hard to even talk and eat. If you need to get a cavity filled or any other type of dental procedure that requires numbing, you may want to talk to your dentist about one of these three options that may reduce the need and length of numbing.

Reverse Numbness Medication

One of the options some dentists offer is something called reverse numbness medication. This is accomplished through a medication called OraVerse, and it can reduce the time your face feels numb after a procedure.

Without reverse numbness medication, the numbness you feel can last for two hours, or even longer. With OraVerse, your numbness could be gone in one hour, or less. This drug is administered with a shot and is completely safe and is approved by the FDA.

Before you request this shot, you may want to find out how much it costs and whether your dental insurance will cover it or not. You should also make sure you ask about this before the procedure because the dentist will need to give you the shot as soon as he or she completes your dental work.

Air Abrasion

Air abrasion is a technique that may also be available, and it is considered a drill-less method. It is used to remove decay from teeth, and it is often less painful than the standard drill method.

With this method, a dentist aims an instrument at the decay. The instrument sprays out pressurized air and particles, and this mixture is strong enough to remove decay from a tooth. The particles are often made of baking soda or aluminum oxide.

Here are some of the key benefits of air abrasion:

  • It's almost silent – A lot of people hate the sound of a dental drill and that is why this tool is often used. It does not create a loud humming or buzzing sound, and anyone with dental phobias may have an easier time during a dental procedure because of this.
  • More precise – Dentists may also have an easier time targeting the problem on a tooth with air abrasion. This can help you keep more of your real tooth, which is always recommended during any type of dental procedure.
  • Requires less anesthesia – Because the dentist can target one tooth at a time, you will leave the office without the extreme numbness that you might be used to.

Air abrasion is great for many reasons, and it is one of the best ways to reduce numbness in your mouth.

The Wand

The final option you may have is asking the dentist to use a dental wand for the procedure. This too is not something all dentists have, but it can help with the pain and numbness you feel. A dental wand is a small instrument used to administer anesthesia.

The wand controls the amount of anesthesia you get during a procedure, and it is a less painful approach than the standard method used for this purpose. When anesthesia is normally administered, a dentist inserts a needle into your gums. The needle contains the medication for numbing your mouth, and the pain you feel occurs because the entire dosage of medication is issued all at once.

With the wand, a dentist is able to numb just one tooth. This means that the dentist is likely to use less anesthesia, which is why you may feel less numbness from the procedure.

If you would like to learn more about any of these methods, contact a local dental clinic, like Schererville Family Dentistry, PC to see if they offer any of these options.